Project Manager Clinic
Project Manager Clinic
Apply Project Management Techniques like a pro
Welcome to the Project Manager Clinic.
Are you a Project Manager, Sponsor or Executive and find that projects in your organisation continue to fail? Could you benefit from improving your project management technique or do you need a project recovered and put back on track?
I can help.
About the Project Manager Clinic
The Project Manager Clinic is about providing practical and proven ways to apply your project management technique and includes practical how to sessions and discussions with industry experts about project management and contemporary organisational business transformation. Assuming #projectmanagers already know the theory (because there are already plenty of training resources, groups and educational organisations out there), we are going to look more holistically. Instead, I am going to apply #sociology coupled with my #informationtechnology, #businesstransformation and #programmanagement background to look at some of the root causes, the behaviours, trends, #organisational issues and contemporary #society to really provide some practical focus to project management.